母公司在台湾专营塑胶制袋机已有30年设计与制造经验在泰设立Tinto Enterprise Co., Ltd.服务泰国当地客人同时销售各样塑胶加工机械设备提供最完善的贸易平台,一站式采购服务以及即时在地化的售后服务
Originated from Taiwan of 30 years of experience in manufacturing of plastic bag making machine,Tinfo Enterprise was established to provide local service to Thai customer。 In addition we provide and sell various plastic manufacturing machines and equipments,provide a vast network of sales,one stop shopping and immediate local aftersales service
塑胶制袋系列 塑胶成型系列 回收清洗系列
●塑胶吹膜机 ●塑胶射出机 ●粉碎机/撕碎机
●凸板/凹版印刷机 ●塑胶中空吹塑机 ●废塑料清洗机
●塑胶制袋机裁片机 ●射出与吹塑成型模具 ●离心脱水机
●制袋整场规划 ●自动化机械手 ●清洗整厂设备规划
●各样周边商品与零件 ●塑胶回收造粒机
Plastic bag making Plastic molding Plastic recycling
●Blown film machine ●Injection machine ●Crusher/Shredder
●Printing machine ●Blow molding machine ●Washing machine
●Bag making machine ●Molds ●Drying machine
●Whole plant planning ●Automation robots ●Whole plant planning
●Related semi products ●Recycle pelletized
●Recycled materials
Chonburi Factory : 700/385 Moo6 Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate, BangnaTrad Rd.,Donhuaroh, Muang, Chonburi 20000, Thailand
Office : 5/11 Moo4 Khok Krabue, Mueang Samut Sakhon,Samut Sakhon
