本公司是一家生产销售高品质锆石(CUBIC ZIRCONIA)的工厂,销售的产品有A,AA,AAA,AAAA,AAAAA,五个档次,1989年建厂,1997年在泰国设立公司,工厂采用的是高精密度的韩国机器,经过二十多年不断在技术上精益求精,目前( Korea Machine Cut)的质量可以达到标准的(5A)品质,产品可用于钳镶高档的黄金,铂金贵金属首饰,以及钟表。 。 。等贵重饰品。
The company has constructed the factory in 1989 and later established company in Thailand in 1997, the major business of the company is to distribute artificial Cubic Zirconia( Artificial Diamond) with high quality and produced by the company the products to be distributed are divided into 5 grades, they are A, AA, AAA, AAAA and AAAAA, the company's factory is located at Industrial Estate, Hunan Province, people's Republic of China and imported the high precision machines for producing high quality of Cubic Zirconia, especially from Korea, the products have supplied to distribute in the United States and several countries in Europe. The factory has developed the technical in manufacturing to be continued for 20 years. At present the quality of Korea Machine Cut to meet the standard of AAAAA, the company's products can be encased with gold and platinum ornaments, which is a high price metal, including the watches. Base on the factory to spend the time to make experiment for several years, until to succeed in mixing formula in polishing ornaments, which are used powder to polish shall be reflected and sparkling, the beauty is sparked more and more.